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Next-Generation Applicant Tracking and Recruiting Software

Rethink Critical Features: While the oft-cited “-ations” (e.g, customization, integration, etc.) of software are important features to consider, great recruiting and applicant tracking software will focus on some of the “idities” first. Next-generation systems will be designed with a focus on the capability, rapidity and fluidity of new user adoption. The Applicant Tracking System you want should be designed with a clear understanding that people, not technology, drive the success of recruiting.

Rethink the Problem: In “Money Ball” Ken Lewis premises that the conventional baseball wisdom was flawed: the stats that the baseball insiders used for measuring individual success didn’t equate to team success. He turned out to be right. The conventional promise of recruiting software is to solve hiring by getting more candidates. This relic from the days of unsearchable paper resumes and classified ads is a recipe for a high strikeout ratio and the only occasional home run. Having millions of candidates doesn’t make hires.

Rethink Immediate Benefits: Many of today’s recruiting software systems are plump with features designed to meet the specific and varied needs of HR Professionals, yet most of these “innovations” have had very little impact on improving the actual process of filling a position. Simply put, many of the recent innovations in the recruiting software industry have been nothing more than marketing traps for the buyers of recruiting software. When considering what recruiting software to purchase, don’t focus exclusively on features that will benefit the recruiting department or HR. Instead, remember that there is another entire half of the recruiting supply chain, the hiring manager and business user- the customer.

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